Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is so terrible about twos?

My entire life all I have heard about the two year old stage is how difficult and awful it is. "oh just wait until they turn two" "those terrible twos..." Welp, my darling son has been two for almost five months now and I haven't witnessed anything terrible. I find the "twos" to be fun and adventureous.

   I guess I can see where some people may have their "turnoffs" for two year olds...those who don't like cleaning up spilt milk, or finding smooshed raisins on the bottom of a sock, toys spread every which direction you look...
Who doesn't like watching little kids dance around in their superhero "unnawears"?
So you may never get a decent picture of the kid actually looking at the camera and smiling...but the "twos" are my favorite so far...and I wouldn't trade a minute of this phase for anything!

The Perfect Lady.

Good girls are hard to come by these I am starting to train Molly very young. So that one day...she will be The Perfect Catch... A lady must be                                                                                                                                            modest...
Have Beautiful Hair...

 Be mild tempered....

And not snore...or hog the bed...

                                                         And of course she is a good cook!

One day my little baby girl will be the perfect wife!